Hello ! I'm Buta. I'm a French-Amazigh artist who's goal is to become a professionnal illustrator in the future. For now, I'm a wagie doomed to be stuck in retail hell for all of eternity.
I'm multilingual and love to learn new languages (computer languages included !), even if I lose interest pretty fast.
My first memories of being on the internet go back to the late 2000s, playing kissing flash games on websites like girlgames.com and being mortified at the thought of my mom finding out I was playing what I thought were "adult games" (don't ask me why I thought that i have no idea). A few years later I discovered DeviantART, which was the first real place I made an account on.
I loved how customizable someone's profile could be with different buttons and stamps. It's something that I haven't found again after I left dA, and one of the reasons as to why I made this website lol.
I have never coded before, so this place is pretty bare and not very well made. But I'm having fun and maybe I'll have something really sick in a few years :)